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If your school has a library or computer lab where students can complete VoiceThread activities, that would be great to point out, especially for students who don’t have access at home. If your students aren’t getting enough practice speaking English in class, try moving online and assign speaking homework using VoiceThread.
Where can I find 936 free speaking worksheets? has 936 speaking worksheets to help you plan effective speaking lessons, which will get your students to break through their shyness and start talking! These worksheets are great to use for your lessons because they come in many different styles and formats.
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If your students aren’t getting enough practice speaking English in class, try moving online and assign speaking homework using VoiceThread. Do you know other websites that are good for speaking homework?
Do you have to do homework for oral English?
For a long time, I simply didn’t give homework to oral English classes because most traditional homework assignments focus on reading and writing and I want my students to develop their speaking and listening skills more than anything else.
Last Update: Oct 2021
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