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The allowable ESOL courses include four levels of ESOL Buccal Communication, five levels of ESOL Composition, five levels of ESOL Reading, and a Language Skills Workshop. There were ESOL sections of ENGL 0304 Interpretation I and ENGL 0305 Reading Two, to round exterior Reading levels cardinal and five.
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The course of study emphasizes receptive skills, such as hearing for content, note-taking, paraphrasing, and summarizing, as well every bit expressive skills, much as giving A variety of presentations and participating fashionable small group and whole class discussions.
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Most classes meet ii days each calendar week, for two hours each day.
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Watch more about the 2021 santa monica college noncredit esl schedule for courses and certificates of competency.
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The accelerated esl@nvc program offers AN integrative curriculum that includes grammar, interpretation, writing, vocabulary, and conversation in all level course.
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Last Update: Oct 2021
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